As a medical secretary you have the ear of your clinician and the ability to mould the to change their processes to work in line with the Trust’s Access Policy. Unfortunately many managers do not tap into this and you also miss our on a lot of communication regarding changes and updates in policy.
As a former Medical secretary myself and in the different roles I have worked in since, I know what you can do as a medical secretary to make you stand out from the crowd, update your understanding around some of the tasks you do and improve you knowledge and skills. This will make you the best Medical Secretary you can be and show your full potential.
This will also make a difference the the patients and their families that you deal with, because one day that person on the phone or being seen could be you or a member of your family.
As a Medical secretary the role has changed over the years and following the Covid-19 pandemic will continue to change. Have you been thinking about what you want to do in the future or where you want to progress to? Do you want to be able to move into a more junior management role or stand out from the crowd and show your true potential? If so then click on the link below and book yourself a place on this training course NOW.