Yes I know the NHS is not achieving the 18 Week Referral to Treatment standard. This is in part due to the demand on the NHS as well as the current capacity level. Understanding the 18 Week RTT rules is not going to change that. ABSOLUTELY!

Patients are still waiting longer than necessary. This is because systems and processes are not being followed. These affect the patient’s pathway.

Yes I know you think you already understand the 18 Week rules. Do you really?

  • You have a completed the Trust Mandatory 18 Week training.
  • Your know how to put the RTT codes in your Trust’s PAS/EPR
  • You know how to create a pathway in your Trust’s PAS/EPR

But did that show you:

  • How 18 week RTT relates to your role?
  • What part your role play’s in the pathway?
  • How your part affects the parts other NHS admin roles play?

If I asked you what part of the rules do you affect in your role what would you say? Would you know them all?

Therefore, if you want to succeed in your current NHS admin role or move up into a higher band role, then do my Mastering the NHS 18 Week RTT Standard. This will enable you to achieve both.

I have worked in the NHS for about 20 years. When 18 weeks was introduced, I worked with the Trust I was working at the time, to implement it. I have managed admin teams, including booking clerks, waiting list co-ordinators, Medical Secretaries, Validators and Pathway Co-ordinators.

During this time, I have picked up the best ways of working for these roles to improve the patient’s pathway and improve systems and processes. I have helped improve NHS Trust’s RTT Performance by implementing these.

This one course will give you all the knowledge I have gained during my time in the NHS . So if you are new to an admin role within the NHS, want to progress into a more senior role or just want to improve your knowledge, then click on the link below and book this training course.

This course can be done at home and outside of work. If you are unsure or embarrassed about something, then this course will help you.

We can still strive to improve the patient’s pathway and our knowledge to give a better experience to the patient. REMEMBER, we all use the NHS. and A family member of your own may need it one day. You would want them to have the best possible experience, wouldn’t you?

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