I reviewed a couple of patient pathways due to a difference in opinion as to when the RTT clock stopped. With particular pressure on teams to reduce waiting times, we can sometimes forget we are discussing someone’s mum, dad, partner, child or grandparents.
I had not been doing 18 weeks long when member of the NHS IST came to help the organisation I was working in at the time. They were doing a training session with the validation team. They said when stopping an RTT Clock think if this patient was my mother, father, partner, child or grandparent and they came and told me what had happened today at their appointment, do you think they would feel that the reason they had been referred in had been resolved? If no, then you should not stop the clock.
This has always stuck with me. So if you are validating patients think about this. Would you still stop the clock?
For more information on this and to update your knowledge on 18 Week RTT, especially now when the pressure is high to reduce long waiting patients, then click on the link below NOW!
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