Types of Courses we offer:

If you want to start or progress your admin career within the NHS, then you need to understand the fundamental rules for how patients move through the NHS system.  Each role based course will go through the day to day tasks that this role undertakes and explains how each role affects the pathway that the patient follows through to their treatment.  You are unlikely to get this type of training anywhere else.  These are the only courses that will help you start or progress your career within the NHS.


The main strategies on how to validate and manage a PTL

One of the most important tasks when in a Junior or Middle Management operational role is to manage a Patient Tracking List (PTL).

Were you taught the most productive way to manage a PTL or are you just following the way someone else has always done it?

In a time when waiting lists at an all time high and pressure to reduce waiting times is being felt across the whole of the NHS, now is the time to make sure you are doing all you can to make your life easier and better manage your PTL for your patients.

Good PTL management will help to ensure that your long waiting patients are managed in chronological order and within the NHS timeframes.

Over the last 10 years, I have attended and Chaired many PTL meetings. I have adapted and changed how I run these meetings to ensure they are the most productive and efficient they can be.

Within the NHS processes very rarely change and there is a culture.of "we have always done it this way!"

Just because you have always managed your PTL in a particular way, does not always make it the best way and if you want to progress into a more senior role, you have to be able to look at new ways of working.

I have put together this course which takes into account all I have learnt over the last 10 years of attending and Chairing a PTL meeting, so that you can take my knowledge and make your own PTL's more efficient and productive.

This course will give you:

● The best way to validate a patient's pathway
● What areas to validate in a PTl to make it as clean as possible
● Standard PTL and action log
● How to run a weekly PTL meeting


4 Key areas to understand when applying for an admin role within the NHS

There are many different admin roles within the NHS. Examples include an Appointments Co-ordinator, Booking Clerk, Waiting List Co-ordinator and many more. Different NHS Trusts have slightly different names for these roles, but if you were to look at the responsibilities in the job description they would be very similar.

One of the main responsibilities in any of these roles is a good understanding of 18 week RTT. 18 week RTT is the National Standard that the NHS works to achieve and all the processes will be aligned to this standard.

As someone who has recruited this group of staff in the past, one thing I have always noticed is that no-one really stands out amongst the huge number of applications that are received.

Therefore, I have taken all my 20+ years of knowledge and experience from working and managing these groups of staff within the NHS and created a course that will make you stand out in the large pool of applications.

This course will give you:

- 3 Key areas you need to include in your application to stand out, that most applicants don't do.
- Basic information on 18 week Referral to Treatment RTT


If you complete this course, I will mentor you to help you achieve the job you want.

So if you want the advantage when applying for an admin role within the NHS, click on the link below and book your place now.


Mastering the NHS 18 Week Referral to Treatment Standard

This course will take you through the 18 Week Referral to Treatment (RTT) rules and how they apply to different roles.

It will also go through common errors that are made and how specific roles affect the RTT rules and what part that role needs to play in applying the rules.

This course will help you to understand the tasks that a Medical Secretary, Waiting List Co-ordinator, Appointments Clerk, Outpatient Receptionist do that help the NHS Organisation to achieve the 18 week RTT Standards.

You can also like our Facebook page Hospital Admin Training for further information https://www.facebook.com/hospitaladmintraining/

or subscribe to our YouTube channel Hospitaladmintraining